Gender Reveal - Its a BOY!
ITS A... BOY!!!!
I still can't believe were going to be parents!!! Were having a baby boy and we couldn't be more excited!! Moe and I literally had no idea if we were going to have a boy or girl but most importantly we prayed for a healthy happy baby inshallah. We thought the likelihood of having a girl was higher (as we both of lots of girls in the family), regardless, we would have been just as excited. Moe is going to be such an amazing father, I know it. He is such a loving person and is super patient; I couldn't ask for a better man.
I held off from knowing the gender for over two weeks until Moe came back from his work trip. We thought a gender reveal would be an exciting idea to find out together since he's been away. It was so hard!!!! I surprised myself with not opening the envelope! The sonographer had written the gender on a paper that was sealed in an envelope and a friend from work photocopied it for me so that I could give one to the bakery and party store. My friend from work kept such a poker face on and did not give me any hints. It was perfect.
We live some distance away from both our families, so it was difficult to have them both attend the gender reveal. We were so thankful to have them on FaceTime to share such an exciting moment with us! I was so nervous and anxious to open the box and so were some of my friends because we have been anticipating this moment for so long! When I saw the blue balloons come out I couldn't hold back my happy tears. It was so unexpected and such a beautiful feeling. We were so excited that we pulled out only three balloons from the box at first, but there were still more inside the box haha!!
Everything about the gender reveal turned out exactly how I imagined it to be. I knew I didn't want a pink or blue theme, because I wanted the colour of the gender to be the highlight so white and gold was the obvious choice for me (I love that combination). I loved the details, the baby balloons, the set up, desserts, the flowers and even the gender reveal box that I pulled off with the help of my mom, sister and friend. It was such a special night. ♥
I was in LOVE with my cake!!! Thank you The Cake Factory Ottawa for making the perfect cake! I wanted an ombre cake so I chose that the cake batter be coloured instead of the cream.
Thank you Quelque Chose Pâtisserie for the best tasting macarons! Vanilla macarons went perfectly with the dessert table.
The cake pops were blue on the inside too!
I am still amazed when I look at this cake. It was so delicious too! We froze the leftovers so we can bring it out again to have another slice.
We had our friends and family vote what they thought the gender would be and the majority thought...
BOY!!! They guessed right!!! √
Thank you to all of you guys for your love and kind hearted comments on Instagram! I couldn't be happier to be surrounded by such support. You're all amazing.
Photography credits: Slash Photography
Lots of love,
Hanan XOX